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Friday, September 4, 2009

My Theory of Living

Many times when I drive on the highway on the right lane (lane for overtaking in Malaysia), I would get some flash from behind. Yea, for your information, I am a good driver who obey the rule, I drive only at 110km/h. That's why it is very frequent that others want to overtake me when I am on the overtaking lane. So what will I do? I accelerate and overtake the car, then return to the normal lane and press brake to maintain the speed at 110km/h. Why do I break the rule? Because as stated above, I am a good driver, and a good person as well, I don't want to waste people's time.
Whenever we leave our campus, for those who ride motorcycle, we are to let the security check our STNK. STNK is something like road tax in Malaysia, so it is a very important document. Almost everyone keep it inside wallet, so when they are to be checked, it takes time to take the wallet, then take out STNK, then keep it again and keep the wallet into pocket. But I would hold STNK in my hand, start the engine, and when I reach the guard post it takes less than 5 seconds to settle. Then I would stop at roadside and keep it in my wallet. Why do I do this? Because I don't want to waste people's time.
There are many kinds of people in this world. But one thing that we can do to make others happy, is to think from their perspective and views. If everyone does this, will we see "potong Q"? No, because they think of those in the line.
The world is peaceful, when everyone does this. :)

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