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Friday, January 11, 2013

2013 after 2012

i dont know when is the last time i came here. finally today i suddenly remember here and come back.

hello blog, now its 2013 already.

2012 was a life-changing year. not because of 21 december, but due to the amount of big things that happened, that made me who i am today. i admit i am still one lazy bastard, who dont like to study, but at least after 8 months of clinical rotations, lots of different patients, different types of people, different doctors, nurses, residents, and other koas have taught me alot of things, that made me the way i am now.

facing the real patients, handling life and death first hand, but still a lazy me.

this is the only big thing happened in 2012 to my life as a medical student. oh, maybe one more, i have graduated the degree of bachelor of medicine. after 3 n half years of i dont know what i have done, finally i put on the pentagon, n switched the tail to the other side. although the university anthem is not nice at all, but i had tears for no reason.

as for my personal life... a lot of things have taken place. this is why i think 2012 is a big year. life was hard. emotionally. but i still have to face patients who were sufferring, so what i did, i wore mask just to cover my face.

during my rotation in paediatrics department, which i witnessed the highest amount of death among all up until now, i learnt one thing from a resident.
"Children of other people, I have to spend so much time to take care of, until I have no time for my own baby, until she cannot even recognise me."
thats doctors life i guess. a doctor spend time for others family members, until no time for his.

there were a lot more for my personal life, i dont think i should write all here. there were bad things, balanced up with good ones. or i should say, overpowered by the good things.

on 21 december 2012, i was watching the hobbit. fortunately, that wasnt the end of the world, and good things shall continue.

here comes 2013, a great year which i will finish my studies, continue saving lives, and make love no war.