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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Well, the original post is taken away due to some privacy problem. But those who want to know what actually was on the blog can pm me "secretly". Haha...

Anyway I am trying hard to study for Embryology. This is damn hard because the growth of zygote to fetus can only be imagined due to BO LUI to buy book. T_T
Even if I buy book I doubt that I will read. XD

Nah get over this.

I am still wondering how to go through my life.
Seriously I think there is a problem in me.
I am too lazy to be a medical student!
But what to do, have to continue already.
And the shittiest part is.. Where is my stimulation?
So back to this topic again... I am single. LOL!

Ok, replaced this title already.. Should continue embryology now.

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