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Thursday, May 13, 2010

results for 2.4

Result was released yesterday and one thing that I am so fucking stress is the truth that only 3 people got A. Although A is not my business, but 3 people out of nearly 90 people make it like some fuck of a thing to happen.

I give an example. In a company there are 100 workers. 50 of them are lepak kakis, come to work late and go back early, or even ponteng kerja. 25 of them come to work and go back home on time, never curi tulang, but the performance is not that good. 20 of them work well and we cannot ask for more already. 5 of them always do OT without extra payment and they are fucking efficient. So when this company wants to give them grade, the 50 would be C or D or E class workers because they are too lousy, but depend on their working efficiency also lah. The 25 should be the B class workers, because they are almost perfect except their works are not really perfect. The 20 are grade A workers. They already can be role models for others. And the 5 would be S class worker - super class. Because they do so much and so good and ... lazy to write.

Anyone disagree with this example?

So, our grading should never be like this! The 5 being A, 20 being B, 25 being C and 50 D and E! What the hell? The exam questions always ask too many extra things from lecture notes, thus we are so fucking hard to get high mark, unless we are studying like very hardworking. Imagine, for 1 week we need to, not only read all about Cancers, but also to REMEMBER all the info! Then the next week we need to read and remember autoimmune and hormonal disorders, and many many more, and then we cannot afford to forget what we read last week, last last week ...

And with this they are playing our CGPA.

Although this time I am satisfied with my result, seeing only 3 people got A is still... GRRRRR... And oh yeah, because 2.4 I stopped DotA, that is why I can get correct X question, during the exam I calculated the maximum question I can correct is X. Meaning all the question I think I can answer correctly were all correct! :D

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