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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

PreExam Syndrome

Usually days before any big exams, people start having this psychological problem termed Exam Fever. Exam Fever is characterized by decrease in appetite, increase in duration of locking him/herself in room, insomnia, and a more severe condition called psycho may happen.

As for me, I have PreExam Syndrome, not only fever but SYNDROME! A syndrome is a condition where there are combinations of abnormalities act together to cause a problem. So it is basically much more serius than fever.

First of all, I will sleep a lot more compared to normal times. This is due to boredom caused by studying. This may sound stupid, but this is true. These few days I sleep from 2a.m. after finishing missions on game till 8a.m., thanks to all the 7a.m. lectures along this block. Then I wake up, defecate, maybe breakfast, and then play game or study depend on my mood. After that, maybe 10a.m. or 11a.m., I will sleep again until 12p.m. or 1p.m. Then I will have my lunch, and play game after lunch because of my principle: don't study after having meal. Then again I will sleep at 4p.m. to 6p.m. Night time, not everyday but sometimes, I will sleep from 10p.m. to 11p.m.

Second characteristic of this syndrome is a little bit related to the first one. Why do I have boredom only during before exam? Because I simply feel so guilty when I play game, so I will control myself not to play all the time. So, I feel bored and then feel like sleeping.

Another thing is I feel hungry more easily. This may be due to increase brain activity during my study time. HAHAHA! Yea, because I don't feel stress, so I won't feel like not eating anything. Although I sleep a lot when I am having this syndrome, I eat more than normal days. Feel so shitty when I need supper at night but nowhere to eat...

I think the last thing about this syndrome is... I become anti social. Why? I do always lock myself in my room and become a SOLO MID player, but not studying inside all the time. Got study la, but play game still more than studying. So why anti social? Because I don't know who to socialise during such period. Everyone needs to study. It is not good to disturb people. So what do I do? Study, play game, doing nothing, or sleep inside my room.

Last but not least... Good Luck everyone!

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